Thursday, April 26, 2012

Victoria Sosa IF sphorbs are real.mp4

Victoria Sosa IF sphorbs are real.mp4

Victoria Sosa at Telemundo47 during wkends. Here during an APRIL 2012 airing. sphorbs not smores. DISCLAIMER: IN NO WAY DOES TELEMUNDO OR ITS EMPLOYEES SUPPORT THE FOLLOWING WORDS. This is an example of me blending my theories into a site mainly created to BEAUTY be it via retro clips of twch and its luvly women in the field of meteorology or present day WOMEN THAT ARE OCM/OCP that air within the NYC AREA. TO FOLLOW IS ON WHAT I CALL SPHORBS (SINCE LATE 1980S), in this Sosa VID ITS AT 1M44S AND ONE SEES THEM IN MAINLY SOUTH AMERICAN UFO RECORDINGS. SEE YOUTUBE VID MENTIONED IN NXT Paragraph. Not fact, yet i hope it is studied as i state. The problem is that since the 1970s i've been trying to get someone to test them (incl. Ford foundation) and do it for fah-ree and no one responds though little by little i see my theories earning Noble prizes and being discovered to be fact. The orbs that people see specially when certain "galacsic energies" blend with physics as they pass ! through certain crystals (volcanic, why one of my web AKAs is "azo zeo") i state is the equatorial areas version of the polar region's Aurora Borealis. Now over 35 yrs i've tried to have scientist test my ideas including this. In the meantime i've come up with several names for the Aurora Borealis equatorial equivalent. Explain more throughout the webnet as on another's clip's "wxretro" comments VID titled: "UFO INVASION IN BRAZIL - YouTube" â–ºThese 4 rough draft names are: â–ªSphorbs Anotealis ...