Sunday, April 22, 2012



As some of you know, it's a month to the day, I survived a pretty brutal attack. Still a bit bashed up (face,ribs...makes it hard to sing & play), but this is a love letter to you. Guitar out of tune because mad poet guitar tech in jail. Should mad poets ever fall in love? Here's related Soundcloud links to the story: and This channel will host daily videos when I launch first Kickstarter (or Indiegogo or ?) soon. Oh, that's a Richard Tetrault painting (from Cuba series) on wall behind me. ONE LOVE. ONE FAMILY.Also, this is a Mark Knopfler song I've played for a long time and it's funny how the other one,Fast Train, is a Van Morrison song... I had been working on these to add to live performance play list. I am writing new songs about this experience, but think it's too close ,so I am grateful to have these trusty ones to fall back on and they give me comfort.